CH. MLS Dakota Dancing in the Wind at Joyslyn

Ch. MLS Dakota Dancing in the Wind at Joyslyn, better known as "Windy," was born in North Dakota, the single result of a breeding between Marsha Susag's GCh.Ch.MLS Desiderata Lindy and our GCh. Ch. Joyslyn MiToya Wind Walker. Here is an early photo of Windy as she investigated the great outdoors.
lhasa puppy in grass

Windy came to Illinois when she was 13 weeks old. Here she is shown with her two "moms," as one said good-bye and the other welcomed her.

two women holding puppy
Judges appreciated Windy's coat texture, bite, and structure, but were especially impressed by her movement. The photo below was taken at 10 months.

lhasa apso

Windy finished at 19 months of age. Below is a photo taken the day she earned her championship and another taken a couple weeks later.

lt gold lhasa lhasa lying down

Meet Windy's proud parents: Sire "Walker" on the left and dam "Lindy" on the right.
lhasa apso red lhasa